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How DIYMoney Works
Not everyone needs a Financial Planner, but everyone needs a Financial Plan. At DIYMoney, we help you in three ways:
1. Financial Strategy
Through our in-depth video series, we show you how to design, build and maintain a successful financial plan for yourself and your family.
It’s Financial Planning with a financial planner but, unlike everyone else, we’re not selling you a product or trying to convince you to invest into… anything. And that means you can trust what we say.
No gimmicks, no sales pitches, no nonsense. Just honest, impartial financial guidance.
2. Research & Reviews
In the world of financial products, there are thousands upon thousands of choices available to you.
To make this task less overwhelming (and time consuming!) we give you honest, independent reviews of popular financial products and funds and portfolios – to empower you to decide what’s best for your financial plans.
3. Ongoing Support
We support you over time. We’re watching the markets and investment funds. We’re all over the legislation too – making sure you know about changes to the tax code, or the pension rules, or the ISA limits, or whatever.
Let us worry about all that stuff, you have a life to live. As a member of the DIYMoney community, you’ll receive Market Memos, Wellness Webinars and Budget Bulletins – for you to consume as you see fit.
DIYMoney is your financial toolkit
Go at your own pace, in your own time, whenever it suits you; whether you log in every week or once a year.
We’ll help you plan your financial future – on your terms.
DIYMoney Hub
In-depth video series showing you how to design your own financial plan, covering everything in easy to follow, jargon-free videos for you to watch whenever you want
Choosing Between Tax Wrappers
Build Your Financial Plan From Scratch
How To Work Out Your Financial Independence Number
Budgeting Tips & Tricks
Investing For Dummies
Controlling Your Behaviour
Selecting A Platform
Building a Protection Portfolio
Put Your Plan Together
How To Review Your Financial Plan
Financial Planning Tactics, Tips & Hints
Should You Consolidate Your Pensions
Next, we help you choose the right building blocks for your financial plans to give them every chance of success
Platform Reviews
Fund & Portfolio Reviews
Monthly Support
Then, we support your as your plans evolve – telling you what you need to know, when you need to know it
Quarterly Wellness Webinars – What Do You Need to Think About?
Monthly Market Memos – What’s Going on In The Markets?
Budget Bulletins – What’s Changed & What’s the Impact?
100% Independent & Impartial
Unlike pretty much everyone else, 100% of our revenue comes from member subscriptions. And that means we’re fiercely independent, impartial, and we’re on your side.
About Us
Joe Jackson
I’m a Financial Planner and I’ve been working in Financial Services since 2008. Day to day I’m a Director of Spiritus Wealth. In practice, I help people plan their financial futures.
I’m a huge believer that money doesn’t have to be complicated, and my ambition is to help a million people design, build and maintain their own successful financial plan. Hence why we’ve launched DIYMoney. We want to make Financial Planning available for everyone; and that means, we want it to be affordable.
I’m in my mid-30s… I’m a father of two very young children, I have a mortgage… I’m trying to find a way to put a bit more away each month and still enjoy life. I dream of a secure financial future, I want to do the best I can for my kids. In short, I face the same challenges as you do. And that puts me in a great place to help you along your journey towards financial independence.
Richard Martin-Redman
I’m a Chartered Financial Planner and I’ve worked in the profession since 2009. My day job… I run Spiritus Wealth with Joe.
Financial Services Regulations changed in 2012, and ever since then, ‘normal’ people have been almost totally ignored by Financial Planners. We want to change that, because those ‘normal’ people are missing out on potentially life-changing financial expertise. For most people, money doesn’t need to be complex. It just needs about 90 minutes a year.
I’ve recently turned 40, I have two amazing children, a mortgage, financial dreams, family dreams… just like you, I’m at life’s coal face. Through the DIYMoney Hub we can help you grab your finances by the scruff of the neck and finally take control of your future.
From Our Blog
Fancy a Joined-Up Financial Plan?
5 Top Tips to Avoid a Pension Scam
How to Create a Family Financial Plan
Everyone needs a Financial Plan.