Richard Martin-Redman


Financial Independence

How To Build A Financial Plan: how can DIYMoney help?

Creating your own financial plan is fairly easy and accessible. The internet offers budgeting spreadsheets, investment calculators, and trading platforms. Everything you need to plan your future and build a financially independent lifestyle is literally at your fingertips.  So why do we still struggle to build a sensible Financial Plan? The web can provide you …

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Index Funds vs ETFs: A Short Guide

The theory behind passive investing is that no single fund can beat the market over the long term, so gaining exposure to the market as a whole is a more efficient way of capturing returns.  Investors can create an entire portfolio of passive investments, and still gain the same level of diversification as an active …

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How Behavioural Biases Can Affect Your Financial Plan

Whether we are aware of them or not, we all carry biases which shape our thoughts and behaviour. Most investors know that making decisions based on emotion is likely to be counterproductive. But what about those subconscious beliefs that can fool us into thinking we are making an entirely rational choice? Biases are apparent in …

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What is Asset Allocation?

It is a widely accepted wisdom in the financial world that asset allocation is the most important factor when seeking investment growth. This has been the conclusion reached by several academic studies over the years. This indicates that the types of investment you hold will have a greater impact on your returns than the individual …

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5 DIY Pension Mistakes to Avoid

Anyone can set up a pension, either through an employer or directly. But pensions can be complicated and there are a few pitfalls to avoid when looking at your retirement planning options. Most people do not contribute enough to their pension. Assuming a typical salary of £30,000 per year, the minimum pension contribution under auto-enrolment is £158.40 per month (of which £59.40 is paid by your employer).