

Financial strategy

Fancy a Joined-Up Financial Plan?

A financial plan is made up of many working parts which should all fit together seamlessly. When most people think of financial planning, they might think about investments or pensions. But these are simply the tools we use to work towards your goals rather than the end result.  A good financial plan combines risk management, …

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Financial strategy

6 Key Pillars of a Financial Plan

Financial planning can be complex, and the best solution for one person often doesn’t work as well for someone else. It’s easy to become focused on investment returns, when really, this forms only part of the picture. The first step is to decide what you would like to achieve. Once you have clear goals in …

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Financial Independence

How To Build A Financial Plan: how can DIYMoney help?

Creating your own financial plan is fairly easy and accessible. The internet offers budgeting spreadsheets, investment calculators, and trading platforms. Everything you need to plan your future and build a financially independent lifestyle is literally at your fingertips.  So why do we still struggle to build a sensible Financial Plan? The web can provide you …

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