

Financial strategy

6 Key Pillars of a Financial Plan

Financial planning can be complex, and the best solution for one person often doesn’t work as well for someone else. It’s easy to become focused on investment returns, when really, this forms only part of the picture. The first step is to decide what you would like to achieve. Once you have clear goals in …

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5 Investor Biases to Avoid When the Market is Volatile

In times of volatility, it is all too easy to be led by our emotions when it comes to investing. Investment decisions based on fear, greed and overconfidence in our own judgement are not likely to lead to the best outcome. While most investors would not regard their dealings as emotionally-led, it is important to …

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Pensions: What Do You Need To Know?

Pensions have changed over the years and in the current market, the options can be overwhelming. You may have multiple pensions from previous employers, or perhaps you are looking to start a pension for the first time.  In this guide, we look at the different types of pension and how they work. Money Purchase Pensions …

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Trying to Time the Market: A Mug’s Game

The concept of buying low and selling high is well known. Achieving this consistently will inevitably result in profit. The ‘secret’ is knowing when to buy and sell. An investor may believe that a particular company is likely to do well following an event in the news. The consensus is that the share price will …

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Financial strategy

Pension or ISA? Which is Best?

Both pensions and ISAs are extremely tax-efficient investments. Traditionally, pensions are the default option when saving for retirement. But just as retirement has evolved to encompass flexible working and winding down gradually, the options for funding your desired lifestyle have widened.  So if you are thinking about investing for your retirement, would a pension or …

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